You may be asking yourself, why would someone's Facebook page be nominated for entry into the Pencilstorm Hall of Fame? Well, the short answer is because Angelo Julius Palma's Facebook page kicks ass. It's like a daily rock 'n roll history lesson. The guy posts all the coolest rock 'n roll birthdays, album releases, and random bits of trivia that makes logging onto Facebook every morning worthwhile. Angelo is the real deal, he grew up in the days when being a rock star meant something and loves sharing all his rock and roll memories with those lucky enough to be on his friends list.
Some may remember Angelo from his days working behind the counter at Singing Dog Records but my personal history with Mr. Palma came a bit later when he owned a record store in Youngstown, Ohio called Pussycat Records. Angelo used to run ads in a record collecting magazine called Goldmine and he would list records that he currently had for sale. Remember this is pre-internet and Ebay, everything was done via snail mail but Angelo always had the coolest records. I bought tons of great stuff from him, including Hanoi Rocks, New York Dolls, T. Rex, Sweet, stuff that you didn't see hanging around at my local used record stores in Huntington, WV. Angelo's motto for his record store was "If you can't find it, I will." When I moved to Columbus in the early 90's I ran into Angelo face to face for the first time at a record convention that used to be held at Veterans Memorial. Again Angelo's booth was always loaded with all the coolest stuff and I'd always walk off with a tasty stack of wax. I crossed paths with Angelo again when he was booking and promoting shows at Skully's Music Diner. He booked my band in the venue a few times and every time I would see him we would talk about the band Angel and why they were the greatest unknown band ever.
It comes as no surprise when I post a picture on Facebook of The Faces A Nod Is As Good As a Wink... to a Blind Horse LP that Angelo asks "Hey man, do you have the giant poster that originally came with that record?" or if I post a picture of Alice Cooper School's Out LP "Do you have the panties that came with that?" Angelo doesn't ask these questions to be a show off, he asks because he is generally excited by all aspects of the music that he is passionate about.
Angelo knows his stuff and is always happy to tell you what he thinks is cool and will just as quickly tell you that Alice Cooper hasn't made a decent record since 1974.
Angelo regularly professes his love of all things Tommy Bolin, Glenn Hughes, Phil Lynott, Nikki Sudden and Wally Bryson on his Facebook page. If you don't know who any of these people are , you are not worthy of Mr. Palma's friendship, so move on.......
Scott Carr is a guitarist who plays in the Columbus, OH bands Radio Tramps andReturning April. Scott is also an avid collector of vinyl records and works at Lost Weekend Records. So...if you are looking for'll either find him in a dimly lit bar playing his guitar or in a record store digging for the holy grail.
Flyer for Angelo's Pussycat Records.
Angelo's Johnny Thunders period. Based on the hair alone Angelo deserves a spot in the PSHOF.
Mr. Palma with Mr. Stanley.
Angelo and Rick Springfield
Angelo with Sylvain Sylvain of the New York Dolls @ Bernie's