Norah Jones, Redd Kross and a League Bowlers Update

You know how when you take a picture of a beautiful mountain or a waterfall or something and when you get home and show it to your friends it kinda sucks? 

That’s how I feel trying to describe recently watching sets by Norah Jones and Redd Kross. I don’t think words or video can do the experience justice.

And before you freak out, let me clarify, they were not on the same bill. 

Norah was performing at the fabulous Rose Music Center just outside Dayton. This venue puts all the cheap-ass lawn amphitheaters to shame. Everyone has a seat and every seat is excellent. I’m telling you, there is literally not a bad seat in the house. And while it is outside, the entire pavilion is covered. No delays and nobody gets wet. The sound and production are always top notch. The beer is cold and the parking is…..wait for it…..FREE. And everyone working there seems happy. I love this place. I already have tickets for Jason Isbell in September and I have got my eyes on The Stray Cats and Crowded House coming up later this year.

Back to Norah. Obviously I am a fan. Who isn’t? It’s just so chill. If you have ever been in a romantic relationship, chances are that at some point you fired up some Norah first thing in the morning or last thing at night. She might be the Isaac Hayes of her generation. But I wouldn’t know for sure. 

However, I am not a Norah super-fan. Though I play her records when it suits the mood, I rarely crank them up when I am cleaning the bathroom or driving around town. 

But watching this beautiful soul play these beautiful songs with her beautiful band was the audio equivalent of visiting Yosemite or Zion national park. No picture or video could recreate the experience. I closed my eyes and leaned in so I could listen harder: “It cannot be this perfect…” I listened harder. It was perfect. 

And these were real people playing together. It was all feel. Like I said, its beauty cannot be captured unless you were there. Like standing at the bottom of El Capitan….. 

And fucking Redd Kross…once again, until you stand in the presence of the McDonald brothers you have not fully lived rock n roll. Columbus rock & roll bar Ace of Cups holds approximately 4,800 fewer people than the Rose Music Center (AoC capacity 200), but it is also one my favorite venues to both perform at and attend. 

From my vantage point, just five feet back from the stage, I was again in the presence of greatness. Watching them play the song “Stunt Queen” (off their latest record, Redd Kross) I thought to myself…“This might be the happiest I have ever been in my life.”  

Or put another way, It was a KISS ALIVE 2 level of bliss. But instead of watching from the balcony of Madison Square Garden, I was watching at Coventry

Describing the feeling I had while Steve McDonald was standing on a stage monitor thrashing his bass in my face is like showing you a picture from the top of Angel’s Landing in Zion National Park. Lame. You had to be there.

So next time, you need to be there. You must put Norah Jones and Redd Kross on your live music bucket list. 

League Bowlers Update!

With the latest Watershed record, Blow It Up Before It Breaks, recently hitting #61 on the Canadian I-Tunes charts, obviously I have been tied up doing press in Moose Jaw and Chilliwack. (The town, not the band.) Additionally, Bowlers bass player Andy Hindman has also been tied up working for The Goo Goo Dolls, who have been jet setting all over hell's half acre playing gigs all summer.

So while we haven’t played any shows recently we still rehearse on a semi-weekly basis and I have to say, we have never sounded better. Though you will have to take my word for it until our next show at Woodlands Tavern Friday, September 13th. 

A rough compilation of our last three rehearsals combined:

Try a Little Faith
Sensational Things
She’s My Inspiration
Healthy Rivalry
Half of Me
Pretty in a Slutty Way
Small Doses
Get Up Get Out
So Far From Heaven
Two Sets of Rules
I Wish You Were My Girl (Willie Phoenix, but on Some Balls.)

Covers: (I’m not listing the band. If you know, you know.)
Way of the World
I Want You To Want Me
California Man
Don’t Cry No Tears
Love And Only Love
Country Home
Take It On The Run
Long Black Veil
I’m Going Down
Glory Days
Not Fade Away
Fast As You
The Waiting
1,000 Car
Green River
Born on the Bayou